Apr 20, 2022 | Awareness & Action, Documentaries, Fundraising, Our Work, Personal Profiles, Storytelling
We produced a campaign for Mendonoma Health Alliance to raise awareness about overcoming addiction, and reduce stigma against opioid users. Mendonoma Health Alliance needed a public health outreach campaign to raise awareness about addiction and reduce the stigma...
Oct 20, 2021 | Awareness & Action, Our Work, Social Videos, Storytelling, Sustainability
We worked with Environmental Defense Fund to produce an explainer video about The Magic of Groundwater. Environmental Defense Fund needed an explainer video for their California Groundwater Program to use in advocating for environmental justice in low-income...
Jul 29, 2021 | Awareness & Action, Our Work, Social Videos, Storytelling, Sustainability
We worked with Environmental Defense Fund to produce a video series advocating for policy that supports resilient fisheries. Environmental Defense Fund needed an explainer video series for their Oceans team to use in their advocacy for policies that support resilient...
Apr 8, 2020 | Content Marketing, News & Press, Storytelling
We created this guide to help you shift a previously-planned in-person gathering online, or plan a successful virtual event from the ground up. Our Guide below includes: 1. Event Format + Content 2. Decide on a Virtual Event Platform 3. Pre-Event Production, Testing...
Mar 30, 2020 | Content Marketing, News & Press, Storytelling
A message from our Founder & Chief Storyteller All of us are re-thinking and re-inventing our lives and work in response to the COVID-19 crisis. I’ve heard stories that are heartbreaking, inspiring, challenging and hopeful, all at once. Schools are shifting...
Aug 14, 2018 | Content Marketing, Social Videos, Storytelling, Storytelling Guide
Are you ready to tell your story with video? Use our Five Discovery Questions to begin planning your production. Question 1: Who is your audience? This is perhaps the most important question you can ask when planning a video project. It can help you to begin...